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Cell Analytic Instruments manufacturer for global trading opportunities
This directory included Cell Analytic Instruments manufacturers or suppliers from China, Taiwan and worldwide companies in our online products database. The qualified products or supplers in our recommendation will be listed below to helping golbal buyers to extend business opportunity for the field of Cell Analytic Instruments . We highly welcome exporters, importers, worldwide agents, distributors, chain stores and wholesalers to join us.

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Proteny Medical Equipment Co.,.Ltd. Nanjing, China
Main Products: Automatic Hematology analyzer, hematology,analyzer
Website: www.perlong.com
Company Description: Nanjing Proteny Co., Ltd., registered in the mainland China and located in Nanjing, is a subsidiary of Prolong Group dealing in the import and export of medical instruments. Prolong Group, which headquarter is in Beijing, is one of the largest manufacturer ...
Metertech Inc.
Main Products: 152
Company Description: Metertech Inc. was established with the aim of developing medical and analytical instruments, which was then a totally intact field in Taiwan. Even now in Asia, excluding Japan, Metertech is the sole manufacturer of some biotechnical and analyical instrum ...
Cell Analytic Instruments Directory
Blood Analytic Instruments
Culture Instruments
Testing Reagents
Urine Analytic Instruments
Body Fluids analytic Instruments
Cell Analytic Instruments

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